Individualized to fit your specific needs

Nutritional Guidance Program

Our programs are affordable for everyone from a student to a business professional.

Individualized to fit your specific needs

Nutritional Guidance Program

Our weight loss programs are designed to help clients lose 3-5 pounds per week!! 

Nutritional Guidance Program

The Nutritional Guidance Program was developed by a team of physicians, and clients have benefited from our program for over 35 years. You will be put on an individual program of very carefully planned foods consisting of protein, fruits, vegetables, and carbohydrates.

We believe that it is the combination of our nutritional guidance, daily supervision, and supplements that enable you to stay on a controlled caloric intake and burn your stored fat for energy. You will also maintain your lean muscle mass.

We have trained weight loss counselors that range from nurses, dieticians, personal trainers, and former clients that have gone through our program and have had tremendous results.

With our easy-to-follow program and guaranteed results, we know our clients will find long term permanent results!

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