Store/CerealCocoa Cereal$16.75LoyaltyBuy and earn $0.16 Loyalty for your next purchaseShow availability at pickup locations If the product you need is not available at pickup location, you can choose another delivery method at checkout. Note that offline prices may differ from online prices.Sunest Hills3828 S Lindbergh Blvd, Ste102 St. Louis, 63127 US-MO, United States PICK UP HOURS 9AM – 6PM Mon-Fri 830AM-1130AM SatIn stock Add More Add to BagGo to CheckoutProduct DetailsThe Slim180 Cocoa cereal is a great way to start your day. These crunchy and rich tasting chocolate O’s are similar to Cheerios. 5 servings in each box. Each pouch is 1.02OzShow MoreSave this product for later Favorite Favorited View FavoritesShare this product with your friendsShareSharePin itCocoa CerealYou May Also LikeSlim-Soothe/Slim-Zyme Pack Buy NowSlim-Soothe/Slim-Zyme Pack$89.00Chocolate Smoothie Buy NowChocolate Smoothie$17.75Maple Brown Sugar Oatmeal Buy NowMaple Brown Sugar Oatmeal$16.75Butter Pecan Caramel Bar Buy NowButter Pecan Caramel Bar$16.75Neuro Trim Buy NowNeuro Trim$154.00