Chocolate Mint

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Product Details

Our Slim180 Chocolate Mint Protein Bar is a minty snack that is low in carbs and high in protein and a healthy snack choice

After one bite of the Chocolate Mint Protein Bar you will feel the delightful sensation of tasty chocolate and mint unlike any have ever tasted before. The creamy chocolate and refreshing mint is sure to becomes a regular part of your diet.

  • High Protein – 15 grams Per Bar
  • Low Calorie – 160 Calories Per Bar
  • Low Fat – 5 grams Per Bar
  • Low Sugar – 5 grams Per Bar

If you struggle with chocolate cravings then our Chocolate Mint Protein Bar is a perfect solution.

The combination of low fat and high protein/fiber is one that is ideal for people on a weight loss plan and will fill you up without the risk.

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Chocolate Mint