
Overcoming Common Weight Loss Challenges

Want to lose weight? Whether it’s five pounds or fifty, it can feel like numerous challenges are in your way. Losing weight isn’t always easy, and mental, logistical, and lifestyle factors need to be addressed. But don’t worry! You can shed those stubborn pounds with a bit of self-reflection (Do I really hate cauliflower?) and some practical tips (Wait, I can roast cauliflower?? This is SO GOOD!). To improve your chances of success, take a few minutes to identify your main obstacles to losing weight and find ways to overcome them.

Below are common obstacles that hinder weight loss, with solutions! (For proof and inspiration, you can also explore these impressive “Before and After stories!)

Obstacle: You don’t have time to cook.

Solution: Do some prep work.

Ordering takeout may be convenient, but cooking healthy meals doesn’t have to consume a lot of time. Tasty options like main course salads require no cooking. The key is to plan your meals well in advance.

Make it a priority to plan out your meals for the upcoming week over the weekend. Stock up on all the necessary ingredients and take the initiative to prep vegetables and protein in advance. This will ensure you’re well-prepared to prepare quick and healthy meals after a long day at work.

Tip: Portion-control containers are an effortless way to ensure your food portions are on point.


Obstacle: You hate being hungry.

Solution: Load up on low-calorie, filling foods.

It’s important to remember that you don’t need to drastically cut down on your food intake to lose weight. Depriving yourself can lead to overeating later. Instead, try to focus on feeling satisfied by choosing whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean protein. While processed or simple carbs might give you a quick energy boost, they can lead to a sudden crash without protein and fiber. It might be helpful to keep a variety of non-starchy vegetables like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and squash easily accessible for healthy snacking options.

Drizzle on flavorful vinegar and spices to make them more interesting. Or roast them so they caramelize and taste sweet. Not only are they rich in nutrients (vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients), but the fiber and water also aid in satiety.


Obstacle: You don’t enjoy the taste of healthy food.

Solution: Be patient and continue trying new things.

First, you may not know what delicious, healthy food tastes like. Watch a healthy cooking show to learn the basics and experiment with new recipes. Need some ideas? You can find many options right here.  If you prefer deep-fried, salty, or sugary foods, be patient. You’ll discover foods you enjoy by expanding your recipe collection and trying new things. Even those that don’t appeal to you now might become your favorites.

TIP: Use fresh or dried herbs & spices to elevate the flavors in your meals and steer your taste buds in the right direction.


Obstacle: You think nutritious food is too expensive.

Solution: Make smart choices.

Expensive, organic produce is not necessary for good health or weight loss. It’s better to buy in-season produce, as it’s usually cheaper. Also, remember that frozen vegetables and fruits are as nutritious as fresh ones. Research indicates that choosing a fast-food combo meal over a healthy salad for cost-effectiveness may not be accurate. Staying fit and healthy could lead to long-term financial savings in health expenses.





Obstacle: You think exercise is boring.

Solution: Find something you love.

If you find your workout boring, you’re probably doing the wrong one. It’s essential to find an activity you enjoy, stick to, and achieve your fitness goals. If running on a treadmill doesn’t excite you, don’t do it. Try different types of workouts until you find one that suits you. You could try a country line dancing class, a mixed martial arts workout, or a yoga class – endless options! Starting at the beginning is best if you’re new to working out.


Obstacle: You don’t have time to exercise.

Solution: Find a workout that fits your schedule.

We completely understand the struggle with finding time for workouts. It’s important to make exercise a priority in our busy lives. Scheduling a specific time for workouts, just like you would for an appointment, can help. When time is tight, making the most of your workouts is crucial. Choose a workout that’s designed to give you great results in a short amount of time.

You also keep burning more calories for days afterward.

By varying your intensity level, you raise and lower your heart rate, increasing post-exercise oxygen consumption and burning calories… long after you’ve finished your workout.



Obstacle: You push yourself too hard, too often.

Solution: Make recovery a priority.

Walking your dog around the block may get your heart pumping, but it’s not usually enough to help you lose weight. Avoid overdoing it, as some people hit fitness plateaus because they don’t give their bodies enough time to recover from intense exercise. Allowing adequate time for recovery is extremely important!  Remember that “Recovery” doesn’t mean “lounging on the couch all day with the remote.”

By varying your intensity level, you can raise and lower your heart rate, which increases post-exercise oxygen consumption. This helps you burn calories long after you’ve finished your workout. Your intensity level can raise and lower your heart rate, which increases post-exercise oxygen consumption. This helps you burn calories long after you’ve finished your workout.




Obstacle: You rely on workouts to do it all.

7 Best Exercises For Weight Loss, Backed By Experts

Solution: Understand that exercise is just part of the puzzle.

It’s important to remember that while exercise can help with weight loss, it’s crucial to acknowledge that focusing solely on fitness while neglecting poor eating habits will not yield the desired results.

Research indicates that individuals who adopt a healthy diet and begin a workout regimen simultaneously are more likely to maintain both practices a year later. If you’re unsure where to start, the nutrition program Slim180 Nutritional Guidance can teach you (and your family!) to make healthy eating a lifestyle.


Obstacle: Your joints ache.

Solution: Go low impact.

If you are recovering from an injury or dealing with a chronic issue, it can be challenging to stay active while experiencing pain.  Assuming your doctor has given you the go-ahead, it is beneficial to increase your physical activity and focus on low-impact exercises gradually.  Any movement is better than remaining sedentary, and even spending 30 minutes on an exercise bike or swimming can aid in weight loss if you were not very active previously.




Obstacle: You’re just not that motivated.

Solution: Set short- and long-term goals.

Losing weight before a wedding or school reunion is often more manageable, but these motivators can be temporary. Subsequently, the lost weight tends to return.

Setting a long-term, non-scale goal, such as avoiding health issues that a parent or grandparent has, will undoubtedly help. However, it’s also beneficial to establish additional targets to work towards along the way. Some individuals find that participating in competitive events, such as a half marathon or 5K, helps them stay committed to maintaining their fitness.



Obstacle: You’re embarrassed by your failed attempts.

Ashamed of being fat? | Unimed Living

Solution: Let it go, rethink, and reboot.

A lot of people struggle to lose weight and often feel guilty about it.

If that sounds like you, spend five minutes each night reviewing your habits and thinking about what went right and wrong that day without being too hard on yourself. The goal is to have an “aha” moment that helps you stop feeling guilty and instead focus on moving forward.



Obstacle: Your willpower disappears in the face of temptation.

your willpower will disappear in the face of temptationSolution: Plan your defense.

Sometimes, it might seem like the entire world is out to sabotage your weight-loss efforts. Try to think ahead and predict where diet traps may arise so you can be ready with a healthy snack or distraction.

TIP: Never go hungry when temptation strikes (we’re looking at you, happy hour and office birthdays). Enjoy a small nibble or a healthy shake beforehand, and you’ll be better equipped to resist unhealthy treats. Remember, obstacles are there to be conquered, so confidently add these solutions to your weight-loss arsenal and watch those pounds melt away steadily and surely.